Floquet thermalization in a Rydberg atom chain

报告人: Weibin Li (University of Nottingham)

报告时间: 2025年1月08日 16:00

报告地点: 物理楼W260

报告摘要:In this ongoing project, we control and manipulate Floquet thermalization in a disorder-free one-dimensional chain of strongly interacting Rydberg atoms. Central to the controllability is an experimentally feasible Floquent driven protocol, where the Rydberg excitation laser is switched on and off periodically. This scheme results to an effective long-range and multi-body interaction, causing many-body thermalization. Through exact diagonalization of finite chains, signatures of the thermalization are determined from level statistics and stroboscopic dynamics. Focusing on the moderate frequency driving, we show that the thermalization occurs continuously when laser detuning $\Delta$ comparable to the nearest-neighbor interaction $V_0$. When the detuning is larger, however, the thermalization emerges sequentially when $\Delta+V_0\approx K \Omega$. Sequential thermalization peaks are separated by integrable regions where formation of edge modes prevents thermalization. We demonstrate that even simple pure states can thermalize, and hence allow to probe the sequential thermalization. Our study opens a route to probe and control integrability and thermalization in the Floquet driven Rydberg atom arrays.