How to successfully write and review scientific manuscripts

报告人: Dr. Christian Schulz (Publisher, Chemistry, Elsevier based in Amsterdam, Netherlands)

报告时间: 2016年10月24日 15:00

报告地点: 理科楼三楼报告厅(C302)


How to write an article and what are important points to pay attention to?

How to select a journal for your manuscript?

How does peer review work?

What can you do to promote your research in order to get the visibility you deserve?

How to review a scientific article?


Christian Schulz Publisher, Chemistry, Elsevier based in Amsterdam, Netherlands  

Dr. Schulz studied Molecular Biotechnology and Molecular Biology at the Dresden University of Technology (Germany), Uppsala University (Sweden) and Goettingen University (Germany). He received his PhD for cell biologi-cal and biochemical work carried out in the International Max Planck Research School in Goettingen. In May 2015 he joined Elsevier as a Publisher responsible for nine journals grouped around the topic of spectroscopy. His responsibilities have recently been extended to include journals in the area of physical chemistry